風格:尊重環境風土,於 2003 年取得有機認證、2012 年取得 Demeter 生物動力認證。
做了線上採訪 Parést Baltà 首席釀酒師 Marta,雖然現在西班牙的疫情非常不樂觀,但是我看見他對生命依舊充滿希望,對於她熱愛的事物,講起話來總是神采奕奕,依舊把葡萄當作自己的小孩一樣照顧與看待。Marta : 「女性釀酒師的特質還是有母親的味道,釀造的酒款就像我的小孩一樣,我希望他讓我驕傲。」這些葡萄酒出口到全世界,Marta 會對自己說:「該是時候放手讓你們表現了!」有好多的計畫都是天馬行空、歷經世代間的調和、妥協與掙扎之中產出的作品,這些作品讓Marta很多時候吃不下、睡不著,夜裡掛念著,每天她都會進行桶邊試飲,確保每一天的葡萄酒是不是在好的變化狀態。
「我們 2013 年就開始得到生物動力法的認證,可以直接在包裝上標示」,Marta 繼續說到:「因為我們 2004 年開始就施行有機農法,已經用有機商標生產,所以生物動力法的認證對我們來說並不漫長,很快就得到政府的認可。我與我的嫂子 Maria Elena 一起擔任起釀酒的任務,她學化學工程、我學藥學,巴塔莊園生產的第一個年份為 1999 年,雖然我們的葡萄園釀酒歷史早就歷經了好幾世紀。」從爺爺開始我們對於有機農業就相當堅持,2010年他過世時留下一句話:「我希望我們的酒要天然到不能再天然為止,請奉為圭臬」。她們兩個女孩從來沒有忘記過,反而更認真的把葡萄本身的特質研究到淋漓盡致,不用除草劑,就使用放羊吃草的概念將草除進,不用硫化物、少用銅等對葡萄園與僕逃進行最少的干擾。Marta 一邊也在大學與農業單位教書,希望傳遞生物動力法與大宇宙結合、傳遞人類最原始的能量,尊重自然力才能釀出好酒!她表示坊間有許多酒莊為了要迎合市場的需求去釀造自然酒、生物動力酒,這些口感都不會是對的,就算證書拿到,沒有情感、理念不對一樣無法傳遞好的能量到葡萄酒裡,難喝還是難喝,並不會因為拿到證書讓愛酒人迷戀。
葡萄園:自家耕種、自家釀造,擁有多變豐富的微氣候,超過 15 種以上的特色土壤,幫助不同的品種發揮出自身的特色。
始於 2000 年前伊比利人於Foix山中的陶甕釀酒方法,傳承了這項技術,再用自然酒零硫化物添加的方式,保留最原始的純粹葡萄酒。
Family Winery
We are a family winery with a long tradition of winemaking with origins stretching back to 1790, when the first vineyards were established on our estates in the Penedès, situated a short journey of just 30 km from the Mediterranean coast and Barcelona.
Our aim is to care for our vineyards in the best way we know how to create organic wines and cava (Spanish sparkling wines) full of expression and the essence of our land. Land that for centuries has been dedicated to the cultivation of the vines.
Our passion for nature has always been the primary driving force to grow our vines organically, certified since 2002, and biodynamic since 2012.
Our estates benefit from a rich biodiversity thanks to the different cultivation and fertilization methods that we practice. We have our own flock of sheep to fertilize the soil and feed the land.
We make a wide variety of wines and sparkling wines, harvested by hand at their optimum peak of maturity. The winemakers of the family winery are María Elena and Marta, who are married to Joan and Josep respectively, the third generation of the Cusiné family.
The foresight and imagination of these two women have resulted in the revolution of our winery and, combining innovation with tradition, they make organic and biodynamic wines and cavas capable of rousing emotions and which are full of character and expression.
To visit the Parés Balta winery is a trip to one of the most beautiful corners of Penedés.
Whether your visit is for fun and enjoyment, to deepen your knowledge of wine, to enhance your home collection, we have an experience that will make you feel at home.
Carefully defined tastings, wine and cava pairings with chocolate or cheese, 4×4 tours of the most rustic Penedés regions, walks in the vineyards and tastings on the family patio are some of our proposals.