Chateau Burgozone

Chateau Burgozone 布爾松城堡

Burgozone 是這個世紀初所創立,其宗旨為創造現代而優雅的葡萄酒風格,更新鮮的口感,更少的橡木味。

坐落於多瑙河斜坡上的 Burgozone 靠近羅馬尼亞渡口,以古羅馬道路上建造的羅馬堡壘命名。


用最少的人工干預去表現最好的風土樣貌,Burgozone 風格可以說是受到多瑙河風土影響以及保加利亞著名釀酒師人文及技藝的結合。

葡萄酒風格秉持 3Fs,代表著「新鮮 Fresh、果感 Fruity、品質 Fine」。

每一杯 Burgozone 都會帶你踏上多瑙河斜坡之旅。








使用發酵過後的沉積物,其主要成分為死酵母、果肉和籽。其中果泥又分為兩種,由葡萄本身組成的粗酒泥(Gross lees)及死酵母細胞組成的細酒泥。

Karen MacNeil 主張釀造白酒時會加入酒泥去”浸漬”,以增加風味複雜度及陳年潛力。風味複雜度增添奶油、麵包、起司、杏仁、白花,更完整豐富的酒體架構。




Burgozone 葡萄園的緯度和義大利托斯卡尼相同,生長在海拔 150~180m 的斜坡上,葡萄園由石灰質黃土所構成,歸功於多瑙河谷地形,其氣候為白天炎熱晚上涼爽的大陸型氣候。

在 100 公頃的土地上擁有 11 個國際品種及 2 種本土品種(Gamza 及 Tamyanka),我們深信克隆體會帶來葡萄酒的複雜度,因此培育出 30 多種克隆品種。葡萄樹的平均年齡為 10 年。

酒莊引以為傲的是手工精選葡萄,並在莊園裝瓶。嚴格恪守葡萄藤管理及環境友善的收穫技術。產量在 20hl/ha 到 45hl/ha,我們通過永續經營及葡萄栽培,致力更多的生態責任。

‘Burgozone was conceived at the beginning of the century and arose from the desire to create a contemporary yet elegant style of Bulgarian wines, characterized by more freshness and less oak.’

Burgozone is a boutique family wine producer in Bulgaria. Perched on the slopes of the Danube river, close to the Bulgaria-Romania ferry of Oryahovo and overlooking the island of Esperanto, Burgozone is named after the Roman fortress built on the ancient Roman road Via Istrum.

Throughout the centuries, the area has been regarded as a major winemaking region. Burgozone has selected a unique terrain of 100 hectares located on the Danube river and 43rd parallel N (as Tuscany and Southern Rhône) which has proven to produce the highest quality of grapes.

When it comes to winemaking, Burgozone favors minimal intervention and is passionate about varietal expression. The Burgozone style can be described as the combination of a unique terroir influenced by the Danube river, and the human savoir-faire of renowned Bulgarian winemakers. All Burgozone wines are with Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Danube Plain.

The wines’ style is characterised by the 3Fs- Fresh, Fruity and Fine.

Every glass of Burgozone will take you on a journey to the slopes of the Danube River.

About Winery:

"We make wines with individual character that reflect their “sense of place” and showcase the potential of the wine region by the Danube plain".

Exclusively ourown grapes from singlevineyard.To guarantee the best quality,Burgozone only makes wines from itsown grapes, for which it can guaranteethe way they have been taken carethroughout the year and which bestrepresent its Terroir

Proximity of vineyards to winery. TheBurgozone vineyards surround the wineryand it takes just a few hours between thetime of the harvest and the process, whichcontributes to maintain the freshness ofthe grapes and diminishes the need ofsulfites to protect the grapes.

The decision when to pick is taken on thebasis of detailed analysis assessing thephenolic maturity (physiological ripenessof the grapes). In addition to the pH andsugar at Burgozone we also look at theskin, berry and stems to decide when thegrapes have reached the best balanceand are ready to be harvested

Social responsibility– during the harvestBurgozone announces in the local newsand radio that it is looking for local pickers.Many people come year after year to workfor Burgozone. Each person is given achance to become a part of our team.

About Sur lees:

After the fermentation has ended. Lees are principally composed of dead yeast, pulp and seeds leftovers, bacteria and dead cells. There are two types of lees: gross lees and fine lees. The gross lees are the sediment whereas the fine lees are the smaller particules that take more time to fall down.

Mainly white wines are put on lees, or "marinated" as says Karen MacNeil. This technique gives them more complexity and aging potential.

Complexity created by the interaction between the fermented liquid and the lees and which results in:

aromas of: butter, bread, cheese, hazelnut, almond and sometimes flowers and toasty notes   richer and fuller body.

Stabilisation: as the lees are natural antioxydants and absorb the oxygen this allows: - better conservation of the wine; - better aging potential for the wine

This technique has also 2 disadvantages:

— The lees react with the tannins and therefore this technique is not often used with red wines; — The lees diminish the acidity of the wines and therefore this technique is suitable for cold regions, where the starting level of acidity is high enough.

About Terrier

Located on the same line of latitude as Tuscany and growing on slopes of above 150 and 180 meters, the 100 hectares of the Burgozone vineyard are composed of high quality clones which are spread across a calcareous loess soil. The vineyard enjoys a moderate continental climate blessed with hot days and cool nights as well as benefitting from the qualities of being in such close proximity to the Danube River.

The 100 hectares of our vineyards are composed of 11 international grape varieties and 2 indigenous varieties namely Gamza (red) and Tamyanka (white).  To ensure the complexity of our wines we believe in clonal diversity and possess more than 30 different clones. The average age of the vineyards is 10 years.

We take pride in the fact that all our wines are carefully made from our handpicked grapes and are bottled on site at our estate. Our careful adherence to canopy management practices and green harvesting techniques results in a regulated yield ranging between 20 hl/ha and 45 hl/ha. In our vineyard we practice sustainable winegrowing and we remain committed to sustainable and ecological responsibility through the practice of integrated viticulture.

Burgozone is a member of the Bulgarian association of independent winegrowers (BAIW – Member of CEVI).

Our Engagement

‘As a family-owned winery, we strive for long-term community development, quality and consistency.’

Burgozone plays a major role as an employer in the region and supports the development of the local community, such as the local school, local fair among others.

Burgozone supports the development of young winegrowers and tractor operators through training programs that further their education. In conjunction with the Ministry of Education, Burgozone has launched a specific educational program for these professions in the regional school schedule.

Located close to the nature reserve protected by the European program Natura 2000, sustainability and ecological responsibility are among the main long-term goals of Burgozone.

Burgozone is committed to developing wine tourism in the area as well as attracting and facilitating future investors interested in collaborative or expansion projects.

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   飲    酒    過    量    ・    有    害    健    康

Bodega Mustiguillo Mestizaje Tinto Vino de Pago El Terrerazo

Bodega Mustiguillo Finca Terrerazo Vino de Pago El Terrerazo Bobal

Bodega Mustiguillo Quincha Corral Vino de Pago El Terrerazo Bobal

Pago Casa Gran Single Plot Syrah No Added Sulphites

Pago Casa Gran Single Plot Garnacha

Collection by Burgozone Thomas Single Vineyard Gamza

Valserrano Graciano

1758 Selección Crianza en Gruta Volcánica

Maar de Cervera Graciano

Valserrano Mazuelo

1903 Coma de Cases

1902 Tossal d'en Bou

Poboleda Vi de Vila

Senora Carmen

Cent X Cent Garnatxa Negra

1903 Centenary Grenache

1758 Selección Petit Verdot Reserva Familiar


EdC 4T4 Tempranillos 2019

R - Evolution INDIGENA 2021

Microcuvée -MAS IRENE 2019

Finca Estarijo 2017

QS1 - Quinta Sardonia

QS2 - Quinta Sardonia 2017

Corral de la Parellada



Concept 2016

Tellus Amfora 2020

Tammus Amfora 2019

Vinarte Prince Mircea Fetească Neagră 2020

Vinarte Prince Mircea Negru de Drăgășani 2020

Vinarte Nedeea Red

Terraprima Red 2022

Heraclio Alfaro 2019

Sardón 2019

Val de La Osa Mencia 2017

Magnum Val de La Loba 2016

Ay De Mi Magnum 2015 / 2016

Terrer Singular Amphore Red 2020

Endogen Red Samsó 2020

Endogen Red Sumoll 2020

Microcuvee Marta de Balta

Pittacum 2019

Sweet Solera dolç 2010

Mataro 2018

Sang de Drac 2016

Ananoa 2022

Horten 2021

Horten Blends 2023

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2010

Dulcinea del Maar 2017

Syrah de la Muntanya 2015

Lo Moreno 2018

Lo Morenillo 2017 / 2018

La Fina 2018

Ay De Mi 2015

Martin Joven 2022

Martin Barrica 2020 / 2022

Sumoll 2018

Caus Lubis 2001

Gran Caus Negre 2015

Dominio Romano Camino 2018

Dominio Romano 2015

Dominio Romano RDR 2017

Valserrano Reserva 2018

Valserrano Crianza 2018

Valserrano Gran Reserva 2016

Valserrano Monteviejo 2018

Les Crestes 2022

Salanques 2021

Doix 2017

1902 Centenary Carignan 2017

Falcata Red 2022

Falcata Arenal 2018 / 2019

Falcata Casa Gran 2020

Hisenda Miret 2019

Vernatxa Negra

Bodega Mustiguillo Mestizaje Blanco

Collection by Burgozone Tamyanka Single Vineyard

Valserrano Blanco Gran Reserva

Azimut Blanc

Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada Albariño

Pazo Señorans Colección Albariño

Ariyanas Naturalmente Dulce

Ariyanas Seco Sobre Lías Finas

PiXel Blanco

Sauvignon Blanc


Lavastrada Solera

Finca La Novena

R - Evolution ESPÍGOL


Sirena Dunarii

Vinarte Castel Bolovanu

Corral de les Pedreres

Corral d’en Busquets



Vinarte Castel Starmina Tamaioasa 2022

Vinarte Nedeea Alba 2022

Terrer Singular Amphore White 2021

Endogen White Xarel.lo 2020 / 2021

Mà de Mas Perdut Origin 2021

Calcari 2021

Satel.lit 2019

Amphora Gris 2021

La Mar

Abadía de San Campio

Terras Gauda 2023

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019 / 2021

Amfora Cal Ron 2020

White Wine Suriol Els Bancals 2018

Donzella 2021

4W4 Blancos 2021

Cent x Cent 2018

Martin Verdejo 2021

El Rocallis 2011

La Calma 2017

Terraprima White 2022

Valserrano Viura 2023

Salix 2020/2022

Murmuri 2022

Falcata White 2022


Amphora Roja

Encomienda de Cervera Vulcanus Macerado con pieles Sauvignon Blanc

Bodega Mustiguillo Pela Roques Finca Calvestra

Azimut Brisat

Gea Amfora

Amphora Brisat 2019

Can Peritxó 2021

La Blanca 2019

ORANGE "aShut"

Vulcanus Frizzante

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature

Cava Blanca Cusiné

Rosa Cusiné

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Vulcanus Frizzante

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature

Cava Blanca Cusiné

Rosa Cusiné

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Alma Vermut

Pedro Ximénez PX




Brandy Solera Gran Reserva Juan Sebastian Elcano

Amerigo Vespucci Brandy

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