Pago Casa Gran

Pago Casa Gran 老房子莊園



在老房子葡萄園中,昆蟲、爬蟲類、鳥類以及各種地中海的動物並存(野生的豪豬與野兔),不同樹種、地中海植物等,皆建立起這個生物多樣性的生態。海拔 500 公尺高,位於瓦倫西亞東南方 80 公里處,年平均降雨量約為 500-600 毫升,主要集中於秋冬之際。土壤以砂岩、沙質與黏土、白黏土為主。當底有瓦倫西亞的義大利托斯坎尼之稱,陽光充足,適合釀酒,全年降雨量少,大多一次出現在秋冬之際,老房子酒莊著眼在如何將多餘的水分鎖住,他們建造天然蓄水池,利用葡萄園高低差不同的高度汲水,模仿希臘的蓄水與灌溉方式。


Carlos Laso 莊主發跡與 1960 年代的西班牙瓦倫西亞產區,這裡是鼎鼎大名西班牙海鮮燉飯的發源地。葡萄園座落在地中海旁,長期吹拂海風的土地讓葡萄酒多了一種海洋的沁涼礦石口感與鹹味,對於搭餐來說特別提味。擁有承繼家人土地的使命感與對這塊葡萄園的愛心,整個酒莊的概念圍繞在「愛」這件事情上。對於大自然的呵護、對於美味口感的追求、對於與自然共生的尊重與敬畏,以及向奶奶土灶老釀酒房致敬的傳承。Carlos Laso 希望把這份情感轉化到酒裡,永續保存。

2005 年 Pago Casa Gran 老房子酒莊拿到歐盟的有機葡萄酒認證資格,2010 年更拿到對環境的最高榮耀 Delinat 生物多樣認證,不使用任何動物相關產品製酒等,是 Vegan 嚴格的蔬食主義者也能品嚐的天然葡萄酒。

Carlos Laso 莊主生性靦腆,在酒展上他的酒莊攤位總是被大批人群包圍,我很難接觸到他,更不用說是喝到他的酒,由於他的酒莊擁有 Vino de Pago 高於西班牙一切法定產區的單一榮耀,所以許多人會衝著這個名號去品嚐。擁有這個品質,卻堅持一般人都消費得起的價位,這是我第一個認識他對他印象最深刻的部分。展會結束之後,他跑過來找我,或許是因為我在現場當西班牙口譯,他也希望我品嚐看看他的佳釀,喝下一口我馬上被那種沁涼乾淨的風格吸引住了,立馬決定想要與他們合作。


Pago Casa Gran 老房子酒莊採用瓦倫西亞在地原生品種 Garnacha Tintorera(Alicante Bouschet)與 Monastrell 耕種釀造,僅使用原生酵母發酵。葡萄酒口感比西班牙東北部與法國南部的品種更來的節奏鮮明,採用重力系統的酒窖(溫柔壓榨葡萄的方法榨汁),無論是花瓣香味、紅果梅子、鹹度、酸度都來得清爽鮮明,明明酒精度不低,喝起來卻格外輕鬆爽脆,白酒的百香果、荔枝調性,紅酒的花瓣與地中海草本植株風格,非常搶眼。


超過 100 公頃的家族世襲莊園,其中 60 公頃為葡萄園,超過 300 年的釀酒歷史文化,酒莊在卡薩貝納薩爾(Casa Benasal)釀酒室中還保存那時期的古老酒窖,呈現土窯製成的地窖,提供葡萄酒一個安靜中性的釀造環境。 創始人的母親 Manuela Galbis 在 1960 年代重新開始了 Pago Casa Gran 的葡萄酒生產。在 Pago Casa Gran 老房子莊園,整個釀酒團隊將自己視為真正的酒界工匠,這意味著他們完全致力於兩個關鍵目標:生產高品質的葡萄酒、改善生產技術。整個生產模式都遵循嚴格的有機標準,自 2006 年以來已獲得歐洲有機認證,更獲得最高水平的 CAECV、DELINAT 有機標準,並且獲得西班牙法定產區最高榮譽 ”VINO DE PAGO”。 果香奔放、純淨風格,風土完整呈現,強調礦石口感以及優雅度。

  • 100%自有莊園、葡萄園
  • 平衡的生態環境維護
  • 順應自然的釀酒哲學
  • 自給自足的葡萄園養分供給
  • 土壤多樣化
  • 多年生植株覆蓋葡萄園,形成天然的保護。
  • 水資源回收管理


紅葡萄每公頃 3000-5000 公斤

白葡萄每公頃 5000-7000 公斤



Garnacha tintorera, Monastrell and Malvasia. 


Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Petit verdot and Gewüztraminer. 


Falcata 這個名稱源自於伊比利人的刀劍,西元前四世紀時,伊比利人(位於現在的西班牙與葡萄牙)使用這樣的刀劍與羅馬人作戰。每把劍都擁有眾不同的標誌,工匠衡量戰士的手臂以打造出每一把獨一無二的劍。在戰士去世時,劍會與他一同被埋葬,因此這把劍是私人的,不可轉讓。
在老房子莊園(Casa Gran Estate)的南部邊界,我們發現了一座名為巴斯蒂達(Bastida)的山。在它的頂部有一個古老的伊比利亞定居點。我們將Falcata命名為我們全系列的葡萄酒,以向他們致敬,也更接近我們的根源。

Organic, artisanal wines with over 300 years of history

We believe even the smallest details can change the final result. Consequently, we insist on controlling every stage in the winemaking process, and work exclusively with our own estate-grown grapes. Through a perfect balance of modern technology and traditional —at times even ancient— practices, we aim to create world-class wines based on outstanding terroir and fruit quality.

Biodiversity is our path to creating a complete, living ecosystem

Interspersed with biodiversity corridors, our vineyards incorporate permanent cover crops all year long that are carefully chosen to complement the individual site and grape variety, depending on factors like plant vigour, vine density and soil composition.

We allow every wine to express its unique, individual character

In Pago Casa Gran, our commitment to use 100% native yeasts allows our wines to be naturally fermented and completely authentic, produced without the convenience of generic, commercial yeasts used in most wineries.

The “Les Alcusses”  winegrowing valley

Our estate is located in the Les Alcusses, a protected valley and preserved as a cultural landmark at the foothill of La Batida mountain. Wine remnants dating back to the 4th century B.C. were found in the ruins of an Iberian town located atop of the mountain that borders our estate.

We are at 530 meters (1.739 feet) above sea level and 90 kilometres (56 miles) southwest of the city of Valencia. With temperatures from -4ºC (24ºF) to 35ºC (95ºF) and ranfall concentrated in fall and winter. Different type of sils, sandy soil, white clay and sandy soil mixed with clay.

110 Hectares

Pago Casa Gran lies on the northern hillside of a steep mountain and includes 110 Ha (272 acres) of land. The north-facing plots nearest the hillside are 100% sandy, while those at the floor of the valley are a mix of sand and clay. South-facing plots are composed entirely of white-clay soils. Overall climate and seasonal weather conditions are ideal for wine production, with warm summer days always followed by cold nights.


Because our soils are composed of several different proportions of clay and sand, they also have different fertility and water retention features. To manage these differences, we have at our disposal a variety of working parameters that allow us to match each growing zone with the right balance of:
match and obtain the right balance with:
> vine training system and row orientation
> strategies for permanent cover crops
> grape varieties and rootstock selection
> irrigation, if and when necessary
> viticultural practices
Whenever we plant a new plot of vines, we think through all of these aspects carefully considered with the aim of producing fruit of optimum quality.

Local grape varieties

We cultivate local grapes like Garnacha tintorera, Monastrell and Malvasia, next to other Mediterranean and international varieties such as Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Petit verdot and Gewüztraminer. The latter was brought from Germany to our estate by Carlos Laso’s grandfather, more than 60 years ago. Regardless of variety, all our vines are strong and self-sufficient thanks to the ecosystem and the mycorrhizas. Our ground covers allow us to maintain soil temperatures at 8-12ºC (46-53ºF), much cooler than bare soil, while also retaining humidity and forcing the roots to go deeper in search of water.

Our motto is: “Work with Nature, not against her“.

Our vision: a world-class wine estate and sustainable paradise

By transforming our Casa Gran estate into a sustainable ecosystem, our core philosophy seeks to balance conscientious stewardship of the environment with production of the highest quality wine grapes.

Our viticulture techniques have been developed to improve biodiversity and the health of our soils, keeping them dynamic and alive by through mycorrhization, a symbiotic relationship between the roots and helpful fungi in the soil, which helps our vines obtain better nutrients.

Biodiverse strategy

Ground covers are to the soil what the skin is to the flesh: they protect it and provide biodiversity. Within our philosophy, biodiversity is not the final objective but rather a strategy for creating an entire living system. Our vines coexist all year-round with cover crops that were specifically designed for each individual plot of land, depending on the vigour of the vines, their density and the type of soil.

A deep conviction in organic agriculture

We aim for our soils to be nutritionally self-sufficient. A sustainable balance of nutrients provides us with top-quality results without ever needing to rely on chemical additives. This is another reason we use selected ground flora that enrich soil with organic matter and attach nitrogen from the air. We also create a carbon contribution by grinding up vine pruning remains and spreading the pulp on the soil.

Animals and gardens

Insects, reptiles, birds and various Mediterranean animals such as wild boars and rabbits, along with a variety of trees and other vegetation all play a very important role in a balanced ecosystem.
For this reason, we have developed biodiversity “hot spots” or corridors and dry-stone walls as compensatory areas within our vineyards. A flock of sheep feeds on the vineyard cover crops and on grape pomace during fall and winter. The interaction of all these living things creates harmony in our viticultural paradise.

Environmental commitment through water management

The Mediterranean climate offers adequate rainfall, but this is unevenly distributed during the year and mainly concentrated in fall and winter. Our ground covers and biodiversity corridors help to prevent erosion and force the rainwater to penetrate into the subsoil, providing a natural reserve for spring and summer.

We also designed systems to conduct excess rainwater throughout our estate into retaining areas, which in turn encourage more water to seep into these subsoil reserves. Ducts from various buildings also collect rainwater and funnel it into these reservoirs.

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Bodega Mustiguillo Mestizaje Tinto Vino de Pago El Terrerazo

Bodega Mustiguillo Finca Terrerazo Vino de Pago El Terrerazo Bobal

Bodega Mustiguillo Quincha Corral Vino de Pago El Terrerazo Bobal

Pago Casa Gran Single Plot Syrah No Added Sulphites

Pago Casa Gran Single Plot Garnacha

Collection by Burgozone Thomas Single Vineyard Gamza

Valserrano Graciano

1758 Selección Crianza en Gruta Volcánica

Maar de Cervera Graciano

Valserrano Mazuelo

1903 Coma de Cases

1902 Tossal d'en Bou

Poboleda Vi de Vila

Senora Carmen

Cent X Cent Garnatxa Negra

1903 Centenary Grenache

1758 Selección Petit Verdot Reserva Familiar


EdC 4T4 Tempranillos 2019

R - Evolution INDIGENA 2021

Microcuvée -MAS IRENE 2019

Finca Estarijo 2017

QS1 - Quinta Sardonia

QS2 - Quinta Sardonia 2017

Corral de la Parellada



Concept 2016

Tellus Amfora 2020

Tammus Amfora 2019

Vinarte Prince Mircea Fetească Neagră 2020

Vinarte Prince Mircea Negru de Drăgășani 2020

Vinarte Nedeea Red

Terraprima Red 2022

Heraclio Alfaro 2019

Sardón 2019

Val de La Osa Mencia 2017

Magnum Val de La Loba 2016

Ay De Mi Magnum 2015 / 2016

Terrer Singular Amphore Red 2020

Endogen Red Samsó 2020

Endogen Red Sumoll 2020

Microcuvee Marta de Balta

Pittacum 2019

Sweet Solera dolç 2010

Mataro 2018

Sang de Drac 2016

Ananoa 2022

Horten 2021

Horten Blends 2023

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2010

Dulcinea del Maar 2017

Syrah de la Muntanya 2015

Lo Moreno 2018

Lo Morenillo 2017 / 2018

La Fina 2018

Ay De Mi 2015

Martin Joven 2022

Martin Barrica 2020 / 2022

Sumoll 2018

Caus Lubis 2001

Gran Caus Negre 2015

Dominio Romano Camino 2018

Dominio Romano 2015

Dominio Romano RDR 2017

Valserrano Reserva 2018

Valserrano Crianza 2018

Valserrano Gran Reserva 2016

Valserrano Monteviejo 2018

Les Crestes 2022

Salanques 2021

Doix 2017

1902 Centenary Carignan 2017

Falcata Red 2022

Falcata Arenal 2018 / 2019

Falcata Casa Gran 2020

Hisenda Miret 2019

Vernatxa Negra

Bodega Mustiguillo Mestizaje Blanco

Collection by Burgozone Tamyanka Single Vineyard

Valserrano Blanco Gran Reserva

Azimut Blanc

Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada Albariño

Pazo Señorans Colección Albariño

Ariyanas Naturalmente Dulce

Ariyanas Seco Sobre Lías Finas

PiXel Blanco

Sauvignon Blanc


Lavastrada Solera

Finca La Novena

R - Evolution ESPÍGOL


Sirena Dunarii

Vinarte Castel Bolovanu

Corral de les Pedreres

Corral d’en Busquets



Vinarte Castel Starmina Tamaioasa 2022

Vinarte Nedeea Alba 2022

Terrer Singular Amphore White 2021

Endogen White Xarel.lo 2020 / 2021

Mà de Mas Perdut Origin 2021

Calcari 2021

Satel.lit 2019

Amphora Gris 2021

La Mar

Abadía de San Campio

Terras Gauda 2023

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019 / 2021

Amfora Cal Ron 2020

White Wine Suriol Els Bancals 2018

Donzella 2021

4W4 Blancos 2021

Cent x Cent 2018

Martin Verdejo 2021

El Rocallis 2011

La Calma 2017

Terraprima White 2022

Valserrano Viura 2023

Salix 2020/2022

Murmuri 2022

Falcata White 2022


Amphora Roja

Encomienda de Cervera Vulcanus Macerado con pieles Sauvignon Blanc

Bodega Mustiguillo Pela Roques Finca Calvestra

Azimut Brisat

Gea Amfora

Amphora Brisat 2019

Can Peritxó 2021

La Blanca 2019

ORANGE "aShut"

Vulcanus Frizzante

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature

Cava Blanca Cusiné

Rosa Cusiné

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Vulcanus Frizzante

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature

Cava Blanca Cusiné

Rosa Cusiné

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Alma Vermut

Pedro Ximénez PX




Brandy Solera Gran Reserva Juan Sebastian Elcano

Amerigo Vespucci Brandy

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