投入一場極少人敢嘗試的不確定冒險,讓這間酒莊成為 Bobal 葡萄品種的代表。在海拔800公尺、曾是地中海海床的山丘上,「El Terrerazo」葡萄園融合松樹、橡樹與地中海香草的芳香,孕育出能在石灰質土壤與極端氣候中茁壯的波巴爾(Bobal)葡萄。這種堅韌的品種展現了土壤、氣候與海洋的獨特風味。Toni Sarrión 出身 Sarrión-Martínez 家族,1990年代回到 Requena 開始專注於葡萄栽培與釀造。他秉持創新理念,製作土壤地圖、恢復自然平衡,並引入綠色採收等技術,將波巴爾葡萄釀成層次豐富、細膩優雅的佳釀。2004年,其 Quincha Corral 2001 年份酒獲得著名評論家 Robert Parker 95 分高評,成為首款獲此殊榮的波巴爾葡萄酒。他堅信,土地上的足跡是最深刻的傳承,這份執著也賦予了 Mustiguillo 獨特的靈魂。
At 800 meters above sea level, on former Mediterranean seabed hills, the “El Terrerazo” vineyard nurtures resilient Bobal grapes, thriving in limestone soils and extreme climates, embodying the land’s unique essence.Toni Sarrión returned to Requena in the 1990s, pioneering innovative viticulture to craft Bobal wines of elegance and complexity. In 2004, his Quincha Corral 2001 earned 95 points from Robert Parker, the first Bobal wine to achieve such acclaim. Toni’s belief in leaving a lasting legacy through the land defines Mustiguillo’s distinct soul.