Bodegas Bentomiz

壯觀的環境: 崎嶇的地形、陡峭的葡萄園、壯麗的景色 – 這些構成了Bodegas Bentomiz班多米馬賽克酒莊的地理環境。北面由Tejeda山脈(Sierra de Tejeda)屏障,南面則是地中海,大自然提供了理想的釀酒條件,同時也適合拿著一杯酒,度過一個放鬆的下午時光。

英雄般的努力: 酒莊的葡萄藤生長在海拔500 – 800公尺的板岩土壤上,葡萄藤樹齡介於80 – 100歲之間。冬季有足夠的降雨量;每年約有500毫米的降雨量。在漫長而乾燥的夏季,海風緩解了高溫。在崎嶇的地形上並不容易工作 – 機械化是不可行的,在陡峭的山坡上鋤地和收割需要真正英雄般的努力。酒莊將這些葡萄藤以「灌木葡萄藤」來維護:在冬末修剪掉前一年的枝條,以便新芽長成帶有葉子的枝條,形成灌木叢,並為果實提供必要的遮蔭。葡萄園的濕度非常低,葡萄可以成熟而沒有腐爛的風險。

我們的釀酒方法: 現代與傳統釀酒技術相結合的試驗已被證明是成功的。為了獲得甜度和酸度上的完美平衡,酒莊在採收後將葡萄曬乾,方法是將葡萄串放在當地的「paseros(葡萄乾床)」上或者放在浮動的架子上,這是酒莊自己的發明,它可以讓空氣在果實間上下流動。當這些架子放在酒莊的前院時,酒窖似乎漂浮在一片葡萄海中!酒莊的葡萄酒在溫控的不銹鋼槽中發酵。他們將其中一些葡萄酒放在橡木桶中陳釀;其他則在不銹鋼槽中進行「酒渣」陳釀。

自然平衡: 酒莊不會強化他們的甜酒系列,而是更喜歡透過冷震處理(cold-shock)來終止發酵,從而保有葡萄酒自然的甜味(未強化)。這種方法既費時又費力,但是甜酒的新鮮度讓一切努力都是值得的。正是這種傳統與現代之間的平衡,以及酒莊的實踐經驗,使得他們能夠生產出一系列新鮮、精緻、優雅的優質葡萄酒。超過20多家歐洲米其林星級餐廳供應Ariyanas葡萄酒。其中包括:El Celler de Can Roca、De Karmeliet、Santceloni、Ramón Freixa Madrid、Enoteca Paco Pérez和De Kromme Watergang。

SPECTACULAR SETTING: A rugged landscape, steep vineyards, spectacular views – these form the geographic setting of Bodegas Bentomiz. Sheltered by the Sierra Tejeda mountains to the north, with the Mediterranean Sea to the south, nature provides the perfect conditions for winemaking – as well as for a relaxing afternoon with a glass of wine in your hand.

A HEROIC EFFORT: Our 80 to 100-year-old vines flourish in slate soils at heights of between 500m and 800m above sea level. There are just sufficient winter rains; we enjoy a precipitation of about 500 mm a year. In our long, dry summers, the heat is softened by sea breezes. The rugged landscape is not easy to work – mechanisation is not possible and hoeing and harvesting the steep slopes requires a truly heroic effort.The vines are maintained as "bush vines": we trim the previous year's shoots off at the end of the winter so that the new sprouts grow into branches with leaves that form a bush and provide the fruit with an essential shade. Our humidity is so low that the grapes can ripen on the ground without any risk of rot.

OUR WINE-MAKING METHODS: Experimenting with a combination of modern and traditional vinification techniques has proved successful. To obtain the perfect balance of sweetness and acidity we sun-dry the grapes after picking, either by laying the bunches in the local "paseros"(raisin-beds) or on floating racks, our own invention, which allow air to move over and under the fruit. When the racks are laid in our forecourt the bodega seems afloat in a sea of grapes!Our wines are fermented in stainless-steel, temperature controlled tanks. We age some in oak barrels; others are aged "on the lees" in stainless-steel tanks.

NATURAL BALANCE: We do not fortify our sweet wine range, preferring to stop fermentation with a cold-shock treatment, thus keeping the wine naturally sweet(unfortified). This method is time-consuming and labour-intensive, but the freshness of our dessert wines make the effort worthwhile.It is this balance between traditional and modern, and our hands-on approach that has allowed us to produce an exceptional range of fresh, delicate, elegant wines.Over 20 Michelin-starred restaurants in Europe serve the Ariyanas wines. These include El Celler de Can Roca, De Karmeliet, Santceloni, Ramón Freixa Madrid, Enoteca Paco Pérez and De Kromme Watergang.

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Valserrano Mazuelo 2019

1903 Coma de Cases 2020

1902 Tossal d'en Bou 2021

Poboleda Vi de Vila 2022

Senora Carmen 2021

Cent X Cent Garnatxa Negra 2021

1903 Centenary Grenache 2017

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2016 Reserva Familiar


EdC 4T4 Tempranillos 2019

R - Evolution INDIGENA 2021

Microcuvée -MAS IRENE 2019

Finca Estarijo 2016

QS1 - Quinta Sardonia 2019

QS2 - Quinta Sardonia 2017

Corral de la Parellada 2019

Cab.Franc 2021

Marselan 2020

Concept 2016

Tellus Amfora 2020

Tammus Amfora 2019

Vinarte Prince Mircea Fetească Neagră 2020/2021

Vinarte Prince Mircea Negru de Drăgășani 2020

Vinarte Nedeea Red 2019

Terraprima Red 2022

Heraclio Alfaro 2018

Sardón 2019

Val de La Osa Mencia 2017

Magnum Val de La Loba 2016

Ay De Mi Magnum 2015 / 2016

Terrer Singular Amphore Red 2020

Endogen Red Samsó 2020

Endogen Red Sumoll 2020

Microcuvee Marta de Balta 2018

Syrah 100% no added sulfie 2021/2023

Pittacum 2019

Sweet Solera dolç 2010

Mataro 2018 / 2019

Sang de Drac 2015 / 2016

Ananoa 2019

Horten 2021

Horten Blends 2020

1758 Selección Petit Verdot 2010

Dulcinea del Maar 2017/2019

Syrah de la Muntanya 2015

Pur 2020

Plus 2018

Blau 2021

Lo Moreno 2018

Lo Morenillo 2017 / 2018

La Fina 2018

Ay De Mi 2015

Martin Joven 2022

Martin Barrica 2020 / 2022

Sumoll 2018

Caus Lubis 2001

Gran Caus Negre 2015

Dominio Romano Camino 2018

Dominio Romano 2015/2016

Dominio Romano RDR 2017

Valserrano Reserva 2016/2018

Valserrano Crianza 2018

Valserrano Gran Reserva 2016

Valserrano Monteviejo 2017/2018

Les Crestes 2021

Salanques 2020

Doix 2017

1902 Centenary Carignan 2017

Falcata Red 2022

Falcata Arenal 2018 / 2019

Falcata Casa Gran 2020

Hisenda Miret 2019

Vernatxa Negra 2020

Valserrano Blanco Gran Reserva 2017

Azimut Blanc 2023

Pazo Señorans Selección de Añada Albariño 2013

Pazo Señorans Colección Albariño 2019

Ariyanas Naturalmente Dulce 2022

Ariyanas Seco Sobre Lías Finas 2022

PiXel Blanco 2022

Sauvignon Blanc 2022

Viognier 2022

Lavastrada Solera

Finca La Novena 2021

R - Evolution ESPÍGOL 2023

Malvasia 2021/2022

Sirena Dunarii 2013

Vinarte Castel Bolovanu 2021

Corral de les Pedreres 2019

Corral d’en Busquets 2020

Tamyanka 2022

Idea 2019

Vinarte Castel Starmina Tamaioasa 2022

Vinarte Nedeea Alba 2022

Terrer Singular Amphore White 2021

Endogen White Xarel.lo 2020 / 2021

Mà de Mas Perdut Origin 2021

Calcari 2021

Satel.lit 2019

Amphora Gris 2021

La Mar 2018

Abadía de San Campio 2021

Terras Gauda 2021

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019

Albariño Pazo Señorans 2019 / 2021

Amfora Cal Ron 2019 / 2020

White Wine Suriol Els Bancals 2018 / 2021

Donzella 2021

4W4 Blancos 2021

Mar 2019 / 2021

Malvasia de Sitges 2016

Marko 2020

Cent x Cent 2018

Te La Dedico 2020

Martin Verdejo 2021

El Rocallis 2011

La Calma 2017

Terraprima White 2022

Valserrano Viura 2021

Salix 2020/2022

Murmuri 2021/2022

Falcata White 2022


Amphora Roja 2019 / 2021

Azimut Brisat 2023

Gea Amfora 2020

Amphora Brisat 2019 / 2021

Can Peritxó 2021

La Blanca 2018 / 2019

ORANGE "aShut" 2020

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Azimut Cava Blanc Semi-Sec 2022

Cava Històric Gran Reserva Burt Nature 2018

Cava Blanca Cusiné 2013

Rosa Cusiné 2017

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva El Bosc 2015

Cava Brut Nature Gran Reserva Collita 2014 / 2015

Cava Brut Rosat Reserva 2019

Cava Brut Nature Reserva 2021

Lagar de Camin

Sidra Extra Avalon

Alma Vermut

Pedro Ximénez PX




Brandy Solera Gran Reserva Juan Sebastian Elcano

Amerigo Vespucci Brandy

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