--- 五株葡萄樹才能產區一瓶葡萄酒 !
--- Priorat 酒區,西班牙菁英酒的誕生地。
Mas Doix 酒莊所處的風土位置正是它生產高品質葡萄的主因,陡坡上板岩地質 與介於 80-115 年的老樹藤限制了葡萄的產量: 平均 400 公克/株。Doix 家族對葡萄酒的熱情與堅持已歷經 90 餘年,負起保育高齡百歲的葡萄樹的責任,共擁有 18 公頃的葡萄園。
Doix 葡萄園(四公頃)擁有種植於 1902 年超越百年的佳麗釀品種與歌海娜品種(80 歲),Salanques 葡萄園(三公頃)也擁有格納希與卡利濃葡萄品種,Les Crestes 雞冠葡萄園(三公頃)種植格納希品種,Mas de l’Osso(三公頃)種植 格納希、席哈與梅洛品種,Els Ullastres (一公頃)種植老佳麗釀。
杜瓦士 MAS DOIX 酒莊位於頂級產區 DOQ PRIORAT,大多採用 80-115 歲的老樹藤釀酒,整個葡萄園面積分散於相當陡峭的山坡地上,45-60 度角的葡萄園遍佈,一點兒也不誇張,遍地板岩的地形,碎裂脆弱而貧脊,正好集中了陽光的溫暖、刺激了葡萄樹更努力結出高品質的果實,700 公尺高的山城,遠離塵囂, 當踏入 PRIORAT 且置身於山林野谷間的那瞬間,才會明白這裡是天堂、是仙境。
Mas Doix 酒莊由 Doix 與 Llagostera 家族共同創建於 1998 年,重新將 1850 年當 時遺留下來的葡萄藤重新翻修,重新展現於世人面前。當年在 1888 年巴賽隆納 世界展獲得的金牌與 1878 年巴黎世界展獲得的銀牌,不斷提醒著我們當年 Juan Extrems Doix 與 Juan Doix's 對葡萄種植與釀酒的熱情與理想。葡萄根瘤菌於二十世紀初的摧殘並不代表我們家族釀酒事業的終結,於是我們重新種植了葛納西 與佳麗釀等普利奧哈多(Priorat)當地的原生葡萄品種。起初我們種的葡萄都被送往 Poboleda 的葡萄共同合作社公同釀造生產,直到現在我們擁有自己的酒莊 釀酒。以愛與熱情用心經營這片百年葡萄園,我們只做最好的酒。
Priorat 產區被充滿板岩的群山環繞,而 Mas Doix 酒莊充滿礦物風格、酒體緊實的紅酒也更被許多葡萄酒作家與收藏家譽為西班牙之最。特殊的板岩與石英岩地質土壤(當地稱為 Llicorella)、充足的陽光與年輕的釀酒後繼紛紛興起,讓整個 Priorat 成為西班牙最創新、最大自然卻又享有古老釀酒產區歷史的產區,另外也絕對是享受美食與葡萄酒之旅最不容錯過的景點。
Elegance, freshness and balance.
Wine is born on the vine and that is why we work the vineyard every day. It comes from the care and respect we have for our environment and our passionate team, who is steeped in the traditional practices and fully prepared for the challenges of the future. The men and women of Mas Doix have been caring for and gently accompanying the Grenache and Carignan vinesplanted in the slate of these “llicorella” hills since 1902.
“We preserve a lifestyle that emphasizes the grapes from the older vineyards in order to create distinctive wines that reflect our terroir”
Since the creation of Mas Doix in 1998 by Valenti and Ramon Llagostera, we have taken on the commitment to maintain, care for and strengthen our vines while exercising respect for our environment, its culture and its people.
With dedication, consistency and responsibility, we love every last inch of an optimal terroir for the cultivation of low yield vines that provide us with excellent grapes.
Every great wine begins its journey on the vine, where the grape is most important. That is why we dedicate all the care and attention we can give to our vineyards, whether they are young or centuries old. We practice strictly organic viticulture with biodymic practices that ensure perfect harmony between the environment, the vineyard and our labour. Planted in the “llicorella” slate hills by people who never stopped believing, each one of these vines rewards us with a yield of grapes of the finest quality.
The cultivation of all of our vines, vineyard by vinyard, variety by variety, is exclusively performed by hand. We harvest the grapes, picking them by hand from the vine, and once they reach the winery, we select them one by one with a critical eye and serene hands.
The elaboration is performed with the minimum possible intervention, fermenting the grapes in stainless steel vats, as well as in a wooden vat and open barrels depending on the variety and quality of the grape. The process ends with the aging in barrels and its subsequent coupage.
The entire wine making process, from the harvest to the coupage, follows a strict elaboration process that respects our dedication to the terroir, the fruit and our vocation.
Today, the world of vineyards needs people who are respectful of the traditional practices and who have the competence to face the challenges of the future. We have had the luck to have found one another. All of us who make up the team work every day with a passion for viticulture and a love for the art of wine. Our stories have intertwined and now the wines we make have become part of our lives.